
Triggers allow your DroneDeploy App to respond to events happening on the DroneDeploy Platform. For example, you may want to kick off a pre-defined export once your map completes processing.

Triggers are associated with an App's Function. In order for a Trigger event to fire, the user who triggered the event needs to have the App installed, and the Function should have a Trigger defined. You can define Triggers using the DroneDeploy CLI and the serverless.yml file. For example:

service: IFTTT

  name: dronedeploy


  - "@dronedeploy/dronedeploy-cli"

    handlerPath: functions/webhook
    handler: dronedeploy
    memory: 128
        object-type: Export
        type: complete
          description: "stores endpoint for IFTTT webhook"
            - name: endpoint
              type: Text
              encrypted: false
              length: 255
              description: "webhook endpoint for IFTTT"

Listening to Triggers

Currently there is a reserved path under /__ddtriggerfunction on each DroneDeploy Function for listening to Trigger events.

Your code might look something like this:

exports.routeHandler = function (req, res, ctx) {
  const path = req.path;
  switch(path) {
    case '/__ddtriggerfunction':
      triggerHandler(req, res, ctx);

You can check out our sample app to see how Triggers are handled.

Supported Triggers

We currently support the following Triggers:

  • Export:complete

  • Folder:created

  • MapPlan:complete

  • MapPlan:workflow_job_complete

  • ProgressPhotos:complete

  • ProgressPhotosPlan:complete

  • Project:created

  • Plan:deleted

  • StandAssessmentPlan:json_uploaded

Manually Executing Trigger Handler

Note: These instructions are specific to a user with admin privileges

  1. Log into DroneDeploy and retrieve your scoped JWT token. See here for more info on retrieving a token.

  2. In Postman (or other REST client) use this token to set the Authorization header for the API request

  3. Using Postman, build a POST request to which executes function triggers on-demand.

  4. Executing the POST request should result in a 200 OK with {} as the response if successful

  5. // Example Payload for StandAssessmentPlan:json_uploaded
        "event_object_type": "StandAssessmentPlan",
        "event_type": "json_uploaded",
        "object_id": "<insert one plan_id here>",
        "user_id": "<org owner id>"


Attempting to execute a trigger function and receiving a 403

If you are attempting to trigger a function and receiving a 403, it’s potentially because the payload is incorrect.

Make sure that:

  1. You are an organization admin

  2. The bearer token provided belongs to your user

  3. The user_id is your user's ID

  4. object_id is required in the “trigger” API payload and be an ID of the type of object for the trigger (i.e. Map Plan ID, Export ID, Folder ID, etc..)

Non-admin users must authenticate with their API key as a query param. The user_id is not necessary in the data object as it will be derived from the API key.

Example public request url:<api_key>

Last updated